The Overview

2 min readJun 18, 2021

Planned is a platform designed to connect corporate event planners with suppliers across North America. The marketplace is filled with over 20,000 unique venues and highly talented vendors, which planners can browse and filter through, to find the perfect match for their events. The marketplace spans across a variety of categories such as food and beverage, staffing, venues, experiences, speakers, equipment and decor, and so much more. The platform also enables planners to converse with suppliers, share documents such as quotes and invoices, make payments, and track spending, all in one place.

The Planned marketplace, filled with various categories, like venues, experiences, transport, staffing, etc.

The platform has been used by companies all across North America, to celebrate product launches, employee training sessions, holiday celebrations, client meetings, and every event in between. By speaking with clients throughout the product development process and channeling client feedback, Planned has been able to confidently address the stresses of endless Google searches, disorganized email chains, muddled budget tracking, and other common frustrations faced by event planners.

The ‘My Events’ dashboard that consolidates all of your upcoming and past events.

Planned is an intuitive platform that empowers corporate event planners with greater efficiencies and cost-saving opportunities. It’s a platform that is revolutionizing the event industry. If you’d like to learn more about Planned, see how to unlock lower rates, and bring your team together, one event at a time, then book a demo today.




A group of boundary-pushers revolutionizing the event planning process.