Bring Your Team Together

3 min readJan 25, 2022


It’s no secret that work models have shifted in the last two years, so it’s crucial to ensure that you’re still bringing your teams and company together even if everyone is working far and wide! With good intentions, clear visions, and the right resources, you can bring everyone together in 2022.

Here are ways to bring your team together this year!

Gather your team for a beach day!

Quarterly team-building events

Team building events are the most fun way to bring teams together for an opportunity to bond and get to know each other! You can plan these in a virtual, hybrid or in-person format, and the options are endless. By bringing your team together every quarter, you can build trust, instil strong communication, and get to know everyone more personally. Some ideas for team building activities include: taking a tequila tasting class, learning meditation in a workshop, making homemade pasta, and the list goes on. Pro-tip: the Planned marketplace is filled with incredible event suppliers who specialize in team-building events.

Milestone celebrations

It’s vital to celebrate the wins together! As your company sets annual goals, host a celebration once that milestone has been achieved. These celebrations are a great way to show your employees how important it is to recognize how far you’ve come as a team. These celebrations should be fun, exciting and innovative! Some ideas for these milestone celebrations can be: host a funny, light-hearted award ceremony, reserve a restaurant for a fancy dinner out, book a studio for new headshots and lunch, or anything in between! These celebrations are a great opportunity for managers to get creative.

Change your teams’ environment by hosting an offsite.

Off-site brainstorming

Studies have shown that changing your environment can improve your ability to think of new and innovative ideas. Host a company or department-wide offsite so everyone can put their best brainstorming foot forward. Managers can bring a list of high level issues or problems that need solutions, and throughout your offsite, set up brainstorm sessions for everyone to participate. As much as this is about coming up with creative problem solving, this is also about an opportunity for everyone to get to know each other outside of the office, so feel free to set up daily lunch reservations for everyone to attend, or hire a professional to host a workshop (wine tasting, comedian, etc.).

Monthly company-wide events

Bringing the entire company together can seem like a tall mountain to climb, but with the appropriate planning it’s completely reasonable! A key component of establishing a strong company culture is done through bringing everyone together. For some companies that are working remotely, finding the best time of day can be tricky, but if you’re committed enough, you can make it work. These monthly company-wide events don’t need to be flashy, they can be informative while still being entertaining.

The best approach for implementing any or all of these events is to start slow and small. There’s no need to immediately book a long weekend in Napa Valley or rent out an entire hotel in New York City, just to impress everyone. It’s best to plan these out methodically and grow these events to scale at a pace that makes the most sense for you and your team.

Most importantly, ask your team what they would like to do! Send out a survey or a poll to get an understanding of what a majority of everyone would enjoy. Most importantly, have fun with it!

Find team building experiences: here.




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